Knitting · Reading

Wednesday Progress Check {24}

Happy Wednesday!  The sun is out, it’s a bit cooler so far, and a couple of robins have flown to the fence to say good morning.  A nice way to start the day.  And I have some knitting progress to share.

Two projects getting the most attention this week.
Two projects getting the most attention this week.

On the needles . . .One vanilla latte sock for ~J~ is finished and I’m almost to the heel on the second.  I’ve been trying to add a few rows each day and I’m pleased with the way it’s growing.  ~J~ asked about his sock this morning so I think he might like it to grow a bit faster.      🙂

Annette cardi -- body and one cap sleeve.
Waiting for the second sleeve.

Most of my time since the weekend has been spent on the cotton, Annette cardi.  Knit from the bottom up, the body has been prepped for the sleeves and set aside.  One sleeve is ready to be added and the other has been started.  I have more than enough yarn to lengthen the sleeves, which I think I would like best, but I’m really ready to have this finished.  When I get the second sleeve finished according to the pattern, I’ll have to make a decision.

On the Kindle . . . Finished Ten Beach Road by Wendy Wax and enjoyed it very much.  There were interesting characters and a couple of surprising twists.  I’ve just started reading Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter.  Actually, this is the second time I’ve started and it’s still hard for me to get interested.  The author switches back and forth between times and characters, not my favorite style.  I’ll give it a little more time and see if my feelings change.

On the wheel . . . There’s been so little spinning progress, it isn’t worth a photo.  My concentration right now is on getting the cardi and sock finished.

So, that’s WIP Wednesday for me.  What projects are getting your attention this week?

♥  Janet

11 thoughts on “Wednesday Progress Check {24}

  1. Love the cardi – so elegant looking!

    As for Beautiful Ruins – I read it, I struggled with it also, but persevered as it was a book group choice, and eventually I got into it and thought it pretty good. So hang in there!


  2. Unbelievably I have no books started. Have to do something about that! I’m trying to make myself space and wind a warp onto the loom, the part I’m the least comfortable with. And, well, sewing the last side of that sweater… I just swatched for a new one, so that is distracting me just a little bit.


  3. I listened to Beautiful Ruins last summer and if it wasn’t for the fact that I only listened to it when I was stuck in traffic I wouldn’t have finished it. Even with the voice changes it was hard to figure out who was doing what where.


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