Ponderings/Life · Snapshots

A Few Photos . . .

. . . from last week . . .


Our solar-powered dog recharging in the sunlight,

beautiful clouds before the rains,


taking a walk in the park,


and waiting with Dad for Mom to catch up;

. . . and this weekend . . .


Miss Moira playing with her wubba, her new favorite toy,


and enjoying autumn’s colors.

I hope the last week and weekend has been good to you too.

~  Janet

Ponderings/Life · Snapshots

Weekend Snapshots ~ Moira’s Birthday

This weekend was all about Miss Moira.  06-IMG_2695

Since she moved through shelters and rescue foster care before we adopted her in June,  we weren’t sure of her exact birthdate.  The records listed September 17, maybe the day she was born or  her rescue date.  We decided to stick with this date.  So Saturday, Moira turned 2-years-old.

First, a nice long walk with Dad.  Moira L♥VES her morning walks.


After breakfast we took her to pick out a birthday toy and rawhide chews.  So many choices.

And after a special hamburger lunch,


a car ride, which is her next favorite thing after morning walks, to High Bridge.

We’re grateful every day that Moira’s part of our family.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!



Another Short Break

Hello, hello.  Another short blog break — for a very good reason.

Little Miss was here for a short visit and Gram and Granddad spent our time enjoying her company.


Little Miss and Moira met for the first time.  You can see how well they got along.  She kept us on our toes.

I apologize for being missing here and on your blogs.  I’m clearing the reader, starting new this week and trying to get back on track.

Thank you for visiting with me.



Ponderings/Life · Snapshots

Weekend Snapshots

This weekend the camera spotted . . .


raindrops after thunderstorms


blocking the Tidewater top


a trip to the antique show


bees on the passion flowers


playing yarn chicken on the citron, losing and pondering how to cast off


collecting images for a yellow page in the Glue Book


watching Miss Moira enjoy the sunshine

How was your weekend?