
Finally Checking In …

… after several days away from the blog.  All is well here.  I hope you had a pleasant weekend and a good start to the week.  It’s been pretty busy around here.  I hate to make that statement since lots of people with busy lives find time to blog  🙂  but I’m trying to learn to take some self-imposed pressure off myself.  If there’s nothing to say – it’s OK.  For those of you who visit here often … thank you and I hope you understand.

So . . .

Friday was the last day of school for the kiddos.  Athough I’m not working with kids anymore, I still found myself counting down the days.  Old habits  😉  as they say.  DH painted the walls in the guest/craft room.  Yea!!

Saturday was spent birthday shopping for DH.  OK … OK … I may have picked up a few things for me along the way.  It’s not my fault that there was a JoAnn’s close by.

I promised a while back to make a camera lens sock for T.  So I picked up some black and white microfiber.  Not very colorful, but he prefers plain and simple for this project.

The fabric and buttons are for a cross-stitch pattern that I found last week.  It’s doubtful that I’ll get it finished before the Fourth, but I’ll at least get started.  More about that later.

I picked up a few other things for a “secret” project.  I can’t share details just yet.  Curious?

We had a special dinner at a Mexican restaurant to celebrate DH’s birthday on Monday!  And then headed home for red velvet cake.  T called to wish his Dad a Happy Birthday.

That’s it folks.  Not exciting but lots going on.  I have a long list of updates that I need to share so I hope you’ll be back tomorrow.

Have a great day!