Knitting · Ponderings/Life · Reading

Wednesday Yarn Along

Happy Wednesday!

The Brickless is finished, blocked and gifted.  And I knew exactly what I wanted to start next.  Another Brickless . . . for me.       🙂

1-DSCN0641I’m using Wolle’s Cotton again in the colorway winter sky 2 and moved up to a size 5 needle.  The plan is to use all three colors of the gradient to make a larger shawl/scarf.  This one won’t monopolize my knitting time so it won’t move along as quickly as the first.

I’ve finally chosen a book — Rutherford Park by Elizabeth Cooke.  The story is about the lives of the upstairs family and downstairs staff at Rutherford Park in Edwardian England.

As always, I’m linking with Tami and Ginny.  Check out the links to see what others are working on this week.

♦ ∞ ♦ ∞ ♦ ∞ ♦ ∞ ♦

~T~ and ~R~ are visiting through the end of the week.  I love having my family together.  We headed out for a little shopping yesterday.  First to the bead shop where I found so many lovelies.  I showed great restraint and made no purchase, but I’ll be heading back soon with more of a plan in hand.  We had lunch, more shopping and a quick stop at the grocery before heading home.  Poor ~J~ had work and a late afternoon meeting so he missed all the fun.  We have a couple of things planned for the rest of the week, so I may be a bit slow checking on blogs.  I’ll get there, I promise.

Enjoy your week!

~ ♥  Janet ~

13 thoughts on “Wednesday Yarn Along

  1. glad you are having fun with your family! My son leaves on Sunday and I’m enjoying the last few days-I will not miss the mess though 😉


  2. That’s going to be another pretty shawl, Janet. I can’t get over how thick the yarn looks compared to what I have. Am anxious to start but trying to be disciplined! Sounds like a good book. Have you read While We Were Watching Downton Abbey? It was fun.


    1. Hi Judy. Maybe the yarn feels thin because it’s four flat strands instead of being twisted. I can’t wait for you to get started and post pictures. Yes, I read the book and loved it too. 🙂


  3. I love that colour! Looking forward to seeing the finished object (while I try to restrain myself from putting the pattern on my queue, it’s long enough already).


  4. That is such a beautiful grey yarn. I have been eying Brickless myself, the start on yours looks amazing like fog made real.


    1. Thank you, Amy. What a great description of the yarn — “fog made real”! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. 🙂


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