July TUSAL Update

Gee.  Lots of odds and ends to take care of this past weekend.  I had no time to stop and blog.  That should mean I’ll have lots to share this week 🙂

Yesterday was the new moon and time to report on the Totally Useless Stitch Along (TUSAL).

I bought a bigger jar this year because I knew I’d be doing more cross-stitch with lots more scraps.  Now it looks as though I didn’t think big enough.  The threads were pressed down right after the picture for June and they’re nearing the top again.

All’s well now, but a lot of blue floss and sparkly blending filament now grace the top of the ort jar due to two (yes, two) huge frogging incidents on Christmas Patchwork.  I’ll share pictures of the progress tomorrow.  There are also a few snips from the finishing of the 4th of July – Quaker Style and A-Z & Between.  You can see just a bit of black and white from T’s Lens Sock.

Fun!  I really do enjoy taking a look at the ort jar each month and trying to sort out what’s been done over the last month.  If you’d like to join the TUSAL, there’s a link in the sidebar that will take you to more information.

You can see in the picture a new crochet project I started last week.  It’s on the list of things to share soon.  The tissues represent those painful froggings and the flowers are glads from the garden.

So … that’s it for today.  I’m always grateful for your visits and comments.

Enjoy your day!